SS24 Collection Kyle Ho | Les Amoureux

For Spring | Summer 24, Kyle Ho reveals his latest menswear collection, the word – “Les Amoureux”, meaning “The Lovers”. This collection boldly traverses the realm of masculinity in fashion, celebrating the beauty of homoeroticism and delving into the intricate realm of homosexual lovers. The collection reflects on human connection and a narrative that encapsulates the essence of love, desire, and attractiveness through the interplay between dominance and submission.

The SS24 collection indicates Kyle Ho’s creative vision and showcases the incredible talents of the artisans he has collaborated with. From painters to jewellery designers, this collection is a harmonious fusion of their talents and Kyle Ho’s unique design sensibilities.

Kyle Ho presents these timeless pieces with a sense of authenticity and extravagance to make a strong statement for the next chapter of his exploration of the menswear genre. Each of the garments is handcrafted in London.

Designer: Kyle Ho
Videographers: Lucas Lemes | Victor Bientinesi
HMUA: Dongha Kim
Models: Gareth Grahm | Jonathon Luke Baker | Matthew Howard
Assistant: Louise Delaunay
Jewellery Designer: Wink Atelier
Illustrator: Krittaya Vutisivachatkul
Song: Inverted Story, Anthony Ealrs


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